Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Beyond Worthiness - The Epic is Upon Us
And, it what will likely be one of my last (if not the last) postings for 2007, how better than to expound upon one of the greatest traditions this country has - the Rose Bowl Game brought to you by Citi? First conceived at the same time the pilgrims landed at Plymouth (OK, shortly thereafater by Lewis and Clark in the early 1800's as part of the great expedition), this game has always been about tradition, bringing together two great cultures from distant lands. And I mean distant lands. The BIG-10 and PAC-10 couldn't be further apart in terms of cultures than the '60s were to the '50s. And some would have a strong argument that they don't even share a common language. One's rooted in the earth; the other rolls in the surf!
To the 'average' midwesterner, the left coast has always been a far-off destination -kind of like the land of OZ and the Emerald City, only further: the grandeur of mountains, valleys, rivers, golden rays ubiquitous SoCal sunshine, the promise of instant fortune, hot babes, cool cars, tofu, bean sprouts, fish tacos, and the Rose Bowl Game. Plain and simple, there is no greater end state. From the pageantry, the parade, the pomp, and the circumstance (with the coolest of all bowl - game symbols in the red rose), this game is all about tradition. And yes, Pat Forde, it's a good thing. You can have your Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Sugar Bowl, or BCS Title Game conceived in a New York back-room by some schmucks from Fox Sports. No, to me and millions, yes perhaps even billions, the end of the rainbow has always been the promised land of Pasadena in early January (very early January). Being able to represent your conference and culture in one of the greatest sporting events (still played on natural grass BTW) ever known to man is a great honor.
As for this year's edition, expect the Chief to show up. He might even be ready to play. I do know the National Coach of the Year will have them ready. You see win, lose, or draw - partaking in this affair is glorious in and of itself: to have the opportunity to represent. At least we'll have Disneyland and Lawry's. And make no mistake about it, show up the Chief will!
I've long contemplated the what if scenarios of this football season. For a sampling of some random thoughts (some quite excellent for sure), go back through this blog over the past four months. At the end of the regular season, was there a hotter team? What if we started the season the way we ended it? Would we even be playing on New Year's Day or 6 nights layer in New Orleans at 12-0? I've convinced myself of several things over the years, but I do know this for sure: no way we lose to Iowa, Michigan, or Missouri with rebirth of Juice Williams after the BIG BLUE home loss in October. It's amazing how playing with confidence affects the outcome of a game differently than playing without. Maybe it was overcoming injury, gaining valuable experience, understanding a new system for the first time, or a combination of several factors that just came together after that home loss to the Wolverines on Zupke Field in front of millions who had a bird's-eye view of Orange Krush in all of its blazing brilliance. We grew up that night.
Are we worthy to represent the BIG-10 this year? Please, the real question should be who wants it more? Which team will be ready to lay it all out on the line? And aren't you glad it's not Georgia? Yes indeed, go west young men - and represent.