Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ronler Pick Em 2k6 is Back for a 5th Season

Ah yes, that magical time of year. It's fall or close enough. And back for our 5th season of college pick-em action is Ronler Pick Em 2k6. You know the drill. Pick 10 games / week for 13 weeks and see if you come out on top. Of course, there are those confidence points to consider (10 hi and 1 lo). Patriacca won't be repeating this year - guaranteed. Click on the link above and sign-up for another great season of grid-iron competition. You can't beat it anywhere. If only the world cup were this exciting. Shoot me an e-mail if you have any questions. This year we're competing against each other and Mike Golic of ESPN for weekly prizes. And, as a new feature, your lowest weekly score (of 13) will be dropped. Call it a mulligan of sorts (a do-over). Unfortunately, it won't affect the national ESPN rankings, but it will likely play heavily in terms of who is crowned the Ronler Pick Em Champ for 2k6. Enjoy.

Group = Ronler Pick Em 2k6
Password = 8675309

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