Tuesday, August 08, 2006

And these are the Contenders

Well well well - this is very interesting. Check this one out! This year appears to be wide open even for the experts. Nebraska? Michigan? Utah? South Carolina????? Too much time in MYSPACE for Mandel has skewed his normally good vision of the future. Of course, you expect to see teams like Ohio State, USC, and West Virginia on this list. But, Georgia Tech - the ramblin' wreck!

Well, if you start with all teams who went 7-5 last year and work your way down to the final 16 contenders, I guess this is what you end up with. Contenders have the following traits:

1) veteran QB's. It's been a long time since a freshmen led a team to the top.
2) experienced line play on both sides of the ball.
3) big-time playmakers.
4) favorable schedules.

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